Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeNode

Uses of TreeNode in AccordionTreeDrawer

Fields in AccordionTreeDrawer declared as TreeNode
 TreeNode TreeNode.parent
 TreeNode TreeNode.leftmostLeaf
 TreeNode TreeNode.rightmostLeaf
 TreeNode TreeNode.preorderNext
 TreeNode TreeNode.posorderNext
          next leaf added by Li
 TreeNode TreeEdge.node
 TreeNode Tree.preorderStartNode
          the start node for preorder list of all the nodes
 TreeNode Tree.posorderStartNode
          the start node for postorder list of all the nodes

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer that return TreeNode
 TreeNode TreeNode.getChild(int i)
 TreeNode TreeNode.getLeftmostLeaf()
 TreeNode TreeNode.getRightmostLeaf()
 TreeNode TreeNode.parent()
 TreeNode TreeNode.firstChild()
 TreeNode TreeNode.lastChild()
 TreeNode TreeNode.lca(TreeNode that)
          Compute the lowest common ancestor between this node and that.
 TreeNode TreeNode.leafLca(TreeNode that)
          Compute the lowest common ancestor between this leaf and "that" The two nodes must belong to the same tree and must be leaves
 TreeNode Tree.getNodeByKey(int key)
 TreeNode Tree.getNodeByName(java.lang.String s)
 TreeNode Tree.getLeftmostLeaf()
 TreeNode Tree.getRightmostLeaf()
 TreeNode Tree.getRoot()
 TreeNode AccordionTreeDrawer.getNodeByKey(int key)
 TreeNode AccordionTreeDrawer.getNodeByName(java.lang.String name)

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type TreeNode
 boolean TreeNode.equals(TreeNode n)
 void TreeNode.addChild(TreeNode n)
 boolean TreeNode.isAncestorOf(TreeNode that)
 TreeNode TreeNode.lca(TreeNode that)
          Compute the lowest common ancestor between this node and that.
 TreeNode TreeNode.leafLca(TreeNode that)
          Compute the lowest common ancestor between this leaf and "that" The two nodes must belong to the same tree and must be leaves
 void AccordionTreeDrawer.resizeSubtree(Tree thisTree, TreeNode tn, boolean grow, int numSteps, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical)

Constructors in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type TreeNode
TreeEdge(TreeNode n, GridCell startCell, GridCell endCell)
Tree(TreeNode rn)

Uses of TreeNode in TreeJuxtaposer

Methods in TreeJuxtaposer with parameters of type TreeNode
 void TreeJuxtaposer.resizeRectOthers(TreeNode tn, float[] minChangeRatio, float[] maxChangeRatio, int numAnimSteps, AccordionTreeDrawer thisatd)