Uses of Class

Packages that use Tree

Uses of Tree in AccordionTreeDrawer

Fields in AccordionTreeDrawer declared as Tree
 Tree AccordionTreeDrawer.tree

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer that return Tree
 Tree AccordionTreeDrawer.getTree()

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type Tree
 int AccordionTreeDrawer.computeBottomSizeOne(Tree tree)
          We now create a certain number of empty (NOT null) cells between adjacent leaves for better separation of subtrees.
 void AccordionTreeDrawer.resizeForest(Tree inTree, java.util.ArrayList _forestRoots, boolean grow, int numSteps, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical)
          Resize (grow=true ==> expand, shrink otherwise) the subtree rooted at node contained in Geoms.
 void AccordionTreeDrawer.resizeSubtree(Tree thisTree, TreeNode tn, boolean grow, int numSteps, boolean horizontal, boolean vertical)

Constructors in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type Tree
Tree(Tree t)
AccordionTreeDrawer(Tree t, int w, int h)

Uses of Tree in Parser

Methods in Parser with parameters of type Tree
 void Newick.parseTree(Tree t)
          function parseTree initiates field tree, call function Input to parse the input.

Uses of Tree in TreeJuxtaposer

Methods in TreeJuxtaposer that return Tree
 Tree TreeJuxtaposer.getTreeByName(java.lang.String name)
          Fetch a tree by its name.

Methods in TreeJuxtaposer with parameters of type Tree
 int TreePairs.isRangeInRange(Tree treeA, int AMin, int AMax, Tree treeB, int BMin, int BMax)
          given a node range in one tree, say whether there's an overlap with the node range in the other tree.
 int TreePairs.isRangeInRange(Tree treeA, int AMin, int AMax, Tree treeB, int BMin, int BMax)
          given a node range in one tree, say whether there's an overlap with the node range in the other tree.
 void TreeJuxtaposer.addTree(Tree newTree)
          Adds a new tree to "trees", performs all the pairwise tree comparisons and stores results.

Constructors in TreeJuxtaposer with parameters of type Tree
RangeTree(Tree treeA, Tree treeB, TreeJuxtaposer.Tree2Tree t2t)
          constructor: builds a 2D RangeTree data structure.
RangeTree(Tree treeA, Tree treeB, TreeJuxtaposer.Tree2Tree t2t)
          constructor: builds a 2D RangeTree data structure.