Uses of Class

Packages that use GridCell

Uses of GridCell in AccordionDrawer

Subclasses of GridCell in AccordionDrawer
 class BinaryGridCell
 class LeafGridCell
 class QuadGridCell

Fields in AccordionDrawer declared as GridCell
 GridCell SplitTransition.a
 GridCell SplitTransition.b
 GridCell SplitTransition.minBoundCell
 GridCell SplitTransition.maxBoundCell
 GridCell[] Lens.minc
 GridCell[] Lens.maxc
 GridCell[] InteractionBox.minc
 GridCell[] InteractionBox.maxc
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.focusCell
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.defaultFocusCell
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.rootCell
          The root GridCell that contains all others.

Methods in AccordionDrawer that return GridCell
 GridCell QuadTree.getGridCell(int level, int row, int col)
          Returns the GridCell at the specified row, column and level.
 GridCell QuadTree.getChildAt(QuadGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y)
          Gets a child at a specified x, y, depth location.
 GridCell QuadTree.makeChildAt(QuadGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y)
          Like getChildAt, but makes new cells whenever necessary.
 GridCell QuadTree.putChildAt(QuadGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y, QuadGridCell insertCell)
          Like makeChildAt, but the instead of creating a new cell at the specified location, puts the specified cell there.
 GridCell QuadGridCell.pickDescend(int x, int y)
          Computes the kid cell that contains the click at (x,y)
 GridCell QuadGridCell.getParent()
 GridCell LeafGridCell.pickDescend(int x, int y)
 GridCell LeafGridCell.getParent()
abstract  GridCell GridCell.createCell(int level, int row, int col, boolean isQuad)
abstract  GridCell GridCell.getParent()
 GridCell GridCell.getMinLine(int xy)
 GridCell GridCell.getMaxLine(int xy)
 GridCell GridCell.pickCell(int x, int y)
          Computes the lowest level visible GridCell picked (selected) by a click at (x,y)
abstract  GridCell GridCell.pickDescend(int x, int y)
 GridCell CellGeom.getCell()
 GridCell BinaryTree.getGridCell(int level, int row, int col)
          Returns the GridCell at the specified row, column and level.
 GridCell BinaryTree.getChildAt(BinaryGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y)
          Gets a child at a specified x, y, depth location.
 GridCell BinaryTree.makeChildAt(BinaryGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y)
          Like getChildAt, but makes new cells whenever necessary.
 GridCell BinaryTree.putChildAt(BinaryGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y, GridCell insertCell)
          Like makeChildAt, but the instead of creating a new cell at the specified location, puts the specified cell there.
 GridCell BinaryGridCell.pickDescend(int x, int y)
 GridCell BinaryGridCell.getParent()
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.findEnclosingCell(int arow, int acol, int brow, int bcol)
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.pickCell(int x, int y)
 GridCell AccordionDrawer.pickCellClosestTo(int spot, int xy, boolean wantMax)
          Pick closest cell in either horizontal *or* vertical direction.

Methods in AccordionDrawer with parameters of type GridCell
 void QuadGridCell.setChild(GridCell newChild, int therow, int thecol)
 void QuadGridCell.setParent(GridCell p)
 void LeafGridCell.setChild(GridCell newChild, int therow, int thecol)
 void LeafGridCell.setParent(GridCell p)
abstract  void GridCell.setChild(GridCell newChild, int row, int col)
abstract  void GridCell.setParent(GridCell p)
 void CellGeom.setCell(GridCell c)
 GridCell BinaryTree.putChildAt(BinaryGridCell cell, int ddepth, int x, int y, GridCell insertCell)
          Like makeChildAt, but the instead of creating a new cell at the specified location, puts the specified cell there.
 void BinaryGridCell.setChild(GridCell newChild, int therow, int thecol)
 void BinaryGridCell.setParent(GridCell p)
 void AccordionDrawer.setFocusCell(GridCell fc)
 void AccordionDrawer.addCellToQueue(GridCell cell)
 void AccordionDrawer.resizeRectangle(int numSteps, GridCell[] minCell, GridCell[] maxCell, float[] minBoundaryW, float[] maxBoundaryW)
          Creates smooth transitions for resizing an area determined by the splitPos's of minCell[] and maxCell[] to a rectanble determined by minBoundaryW[] and maxBoundaryW[].
 void AccordionDrawer.resizeRectangle(int numSteps, GridCell[] minCell, GridCell[] maxCell, float[] minBoundaryW, float[] maxBoundaryW)
          Creates smooth transitions for resizing an area determined by the splitPos's of minCell[] and maxCell[] to a rectanble determined by minBoundaryW[] and maxBoundaryW[].
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMoveInsideFixedStrip(int xy, GridCell aCell, float aValue, GridCell bCell, float bValue, GridCell aBoundary, GridCell bBoundary)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMoveInsideFixedStrip(int xy, GridCell aCell, float aValue, GridCell bCell, float bValue, GridCell aBoundary, GridCell bBoundary)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMoveInsideFixedStrip(int xy, GridCell aCell, float aValue, GridCell bCell, float bValue, GridCell aBoundary, GridCell bBoundary)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMoveInsideFixedStrip(int xy, GridCell aCell, float aValue, GridCell bCell, float bValue, GridCell aBoundary, GridCell bBoundary)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMove(int xy, GridCell a, float aValue, GridCell b, float bValue)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.twoLinesMove(int xy, GridCell a, float aValue, GridCell b, float bValue)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCells a and b to absolute position aValue and bValue, respectively.
 void AccordionDrawer.lineMove(int xy, GridCell a, float value, boolean maintainStuck)
          Moves the splitPos of GridCell a to absolute position value in window coordinates.
 void AccordionDrawer.resizeFromCellToCell(GridCell a, GridCell b, boolean grow, int numSteps, int xy)
          Resizes the area delineated by GridCells a and b by the relative increment inflateIncr.
 void AccordionDrawer.resizeFromCellToCell(GridCell a, GridCell b, boolean grow, int numSteps, int xy)
          Resizes the area delineated by GridCells a and b by the relative increment inflateIncr.
 void AccordionDrawer.setSplit(GridCell a, float val, int xy)
 void AccordionDrawer.setCellHighlight(GridCell c, boolean on)
abstract  java.util.ArrayList AccordionDrawer.getColorsForGridCell(GridCell c, int objkey)
abstract  void AccordionDrawer.subpixelDraw(GridCell c)

Constructors in AccordionDrawer with parameters of type GridCell
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue)
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue)
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue, boolean _insideFixedStrip, GridCell _minBoundCell, GridCell _maxBoundCell)
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue, boolean _insideFixedStrip, GridCell _minBoundCell, GridCell _maxBoundCell)
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue, boolean _insideFixedStrip, GridCell _minBoundCell, GridCell _maxBoundCell)
SplitTransition(int _xy, int _maxStep, GridCell _a, float _aOldValue, float _aNewValue, GridCell _b, float _bOldValue, float _bNewValue, boolean _insideFixedStrip, GridCell _minBoundCell, GridCell _maxBoundCell)
Lens(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, int[] pos, int[] _size, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)
Lens(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, int[] pos, int[] _size, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)
InteractionBox(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)
InteractionBox(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)

Uses of GridCell in AccordionTreeDrawer

Subclasses of GridCell in AccordionTreeDrawer
 class TreeLeafGridCell
 class TreeQuadGridCell

Fields in AccordionTreeDrawer declared as GridCell
 GridCell TreeNode.cell
          The GridCell that this node is attached to
 GridCell TreeEdge.start
          The GridCell that one endpoint (the "start" node) of the TreeEdge is attached to
 GridCell TreeEdge.end
          The GridCell the other endpoint (the "end" node) of the TreeEdge is attached to
 GridCell TreeEdge.encloses
          The GridCell that this TreeEdge is attached to

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer that return GridCell
 GridCell TreeQuadGridCell.createCell(int level, int row, int col, boolean isQuad)
 GridCell TreeNode.getCell()
 GridCell TreeLeafGridCell.createCell(int level, int row, int col, boolean isQuad)
 GridCell TreeEdge.getCell()

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type GridCell
 void TreeNode.setCell(GridCell c)
 void TreeEdge.setCell(GridCell gc)
 void AccordionTreeDrawer.subpixelDraw(GridCell c)

Constructors in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type GridCell
TreeEdge(TreeNode n, GridCell startCell, GridCell endCell)
TreeEdge(TreeNode n, GridCell startCell, GridCell endCell)

Uses of GridCell in TreeJuxtaposer

Methods in TreeJuxtaposer with parameters of type GridCell
 java.util.ArrayList AccordionTreeDrawerFinal.getColorsForGridCell(GridCell c, int objkey)