Uses of Interface

Packages that use CellGeom

Uses of CellGeom in AccordionDrawer

Fields in AccordionDrawer declared as CellGeom
 CellGeom Lens.item
 CellGeom InteractionBox.item

Methods in AccordionDrawer that return CellGeom
 CellGeom GridCell.getCellGeomDummy()

Methods in AccordionDrawer with parameters of type CellGeom
abstract  void GridCell.addGeom(CellGeom g)
 void GridCell.removeGeom(CellGeom g)
 void GridCell.setCellGeomDummy(CellGeom geom)
 void AccordionDrawer.setFlash(CellGeom cg, java.awt.Color col, int x, int y, boolean doBox)
abstract  void AccordionDrawer.drawNextFancy(CellGeom g)

Constructors in AccordionDrawer with parameters of type CellGeom
Lens(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, int[] pos, int[] _size, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)
InteractionBox(GridCell[] minc, GridCell[] maxc, CellGeom item, AccordionDrawer d)

Uses of CellGeom in AccordionTreeDrawer

Classes in AccordionTreeDrawer that implement CellGeom
 class TreeEdge
          A class representing an edge of a (phylognenetic) tree A TreeEdge represents a horizontal or vertical line segment used in drawing a tree.
 class TreeNode
          A class representing a node of a (phylognenetic) tree.

Methods in AccordionTreeDrawer with parameters of type CellGeom
 void TreeQuadGridCell.addGeom(CellGeom g)
 void TreeLeafGridCell.addGeom(CellGeom g)
 InteractionBox AccordionTreeDrawer.makeBox(CellGeom cg)
          Create box enclosing the subtree beneath input node/edge.
 void AccordionTreeDrawer.drawNextFancy(CellGeom g)
          Decide what GridCells to enqueue for drawing based on tree topology.